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.NET Rocks! - Podcast Rankings and reviews

.NET Rocks!
.NET Rocks! Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell
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192 ▼ 1 US

Our curated selection of reviews

Nevada Williford 11/19/2018
I’ve been a .NET Rocks listener for 12+ years now. This show has been and continues to be one of the few podcasts that I choose to listen to during my commutes.

I listen to practically every episode even if the main topic is not my forte. Hearing from knowledgeable guests about topics that I don’t encounter in my normal 9 to 5 broadens my perspective and gives me an appreciation for what others are doing.

Oftentimes, I’m inspired by a comment read by Richard or a Better Know a Framework by Carl. Being able to review the show notes and pick up a book or course recommendation has proven to be invaluable on numerous occasions.

Seriously, if you’re a .NET developer specifically, or just a software developer in general, you owe it to yourself to give this show a try.
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CaffinatedGamer 03/06/2020
My title says “one of the best” but I think it might just be “The best” .NET podcasts. I listen to you guys everyday on my way into work and on my way home. I feel like I’m always learning something new or interesting and the way in which you deliver the content isn’t mundane or tedious like you can sometimes see in other podcasts. Keep doing what you are doing! It Rocks!!
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Oboedude06 12/06/2012
I program in .NET for a living and stumbled upon these guys when they came to the local .NET user group. Ever since I have been hooked on this podcast and the others Carl and Richard author. I highly recommend this podcast for .NET programmers.
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Jeffrey Palermo 04/17/2017
I have listened for 14 years. Other podcasts have passed away, but the original is still here. Great content. Great guests. Too much info to take in but there is a show for every topic.
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Jay 123457890 04/22/2019
I was very excited for a MS data/programming podcast but after listening to a few episodes I found it to be more banter than actual information sharing.

Needs Better Structure/Agenda. It would be great if you set out a timeline.


5 minutes of your chit chat
5 minutes .Net/MS news updatea
15 minutes of the main content delivery
15 minutes for review and discussion/opinions
5 minute closing

I’ve found that the show description barely aligns with the content. For example, the latest show description mentions the “life of a developer”. I was psyched to hear about others perspectives within the industry for compare and contrast. However, there was about 10-15 minutes of useless banter and back-n-forth. There was some mention of the BASH and how the non windows world is leaking into the windows developer life but that was all.

Hoping you can use this as constructive feedback so you provide more industry value for all of us who are busy folks trying to be productive eliminating the noise.

Thank you!
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