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NBC Meet the Press - Podcast Rankings and reviews

NBC Meet the Press
NBC Meet the Press NBC News
Position Change Category Country
168 ▼ 17 US
32 ▼ 4 US

News - Last 7 Days Ranking

News Commentary - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Lenmier 04/25/2024
Meet the Press seemed more exceptional when it was only on on Sundays. The daily Meet the Press: Now format seems to hamper the power of the Sunday only production.

I like Kirsten Welker, she resists guests talking over her, which is a pet peeve of mine. Another big plus; she points out when an interviewee is sidestepping a probing question and asks again. That’s what I come to see! (Tim Russert must be smiling down).

Hopefully, the daily format is a phase, and will go the way of the Dinos (without the massive asteroid hitting the planet of course).

Until then, it would be acceptable if the Meet the Press and the Meet the Press: Now podcasts were separated so listeners could download one or the other or both at their preference.
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Neplusultra123 03/24/2024
I really wasn’t a fan of Kristen after her interview with Donald Trump. However, I believe she’s gotten stronger in the role. She asks hard questions and won’t let her guests sidestep the questions with clever word play. This may not be appreciated by many listeners, but I want someone who isn’t afraid to get to the truth of the question being asked and get the guest on record. There are many instances where politicians dominate interviews and talk over the interviewer as if they are plugging a product or a new tv show. We’ve become to accustomed to that IMO. The job of a journalist is to get to the truth and hold the politician accountable. Why? Because we elected them and they need to be accountable to the people.

I’m not giving a 5 star rating because I still think she’s has done work to do. And by the way, props to Chuck for calling out NBC for their hire of the ex RNC chair.
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E.J. W 03/14/2024
Kristen is a great fair minded host. I enjoy both her daily show as well as the regular Sunday show. Most of the negative reviews seem to just be bitter people who want MSNBC or Fox News type coverage and not a real journalistic program where everyone is asked hard questions. Keep up the good work Kristen!
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hgfrrtghiiigfggyjbdaaqqwd 03/24/2024
Kristen Welker is doing a first class job each and every week in this broadcast. Tim Russert, the Gold Standard of newsmaker interviewers, was left of center, but respected by conservatives and liberals alike because he respected them. Welker is exactly what America needs from its journalists; a moderator of our centuries long conversation rather than part of the story. Tim Russert would be proud.
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Stuwright99 06/23/2024
It is really sad how far and how fast this previously wonderful show and overall brand has fallen. Without a doubt, it’s primarily due to the departure of Chuck Todd, who demanded and drove higher standards of journalism. Kristen is wonderful in many ways, but she has no business leading a show like this. Too many of the interviews have turned into gotcha sessions and are unnecessarily confrontational and needlessly dramatic. Meet The Press used to really stand out in the crop of Sunday morning shows, but no longer. They need to completely reassess things at NBC and reinstitute the high standards that used to drive the program.

And having Kristi Noem on today (6/23/2024)? Are you serious? To what end? Get some gravitas. Rethink your panels too while you’re at it. The direction of the show is just trending more and more toward being lightweight and not adding anything to the political discourse in our country.
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