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This is a thoughtful podcast, in capable hands (rare these days) with A-list experts. Don’t delay, download now. Your ears will be happy, and thank you, and you’ll walk through life with improved perspective, a little lighter, wiser and happier.
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I thoroughly enjoyed the episode with therapist Oona Metz. The episode was filled with important information that I found useful and will definitely refer this podcast to my clients. Divorce is something we don’t speak about enough, and I am so grateful that this podcast gave it the forum that it deserves.
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Finally, someone telling the truth about midlife, both good and bad! I loved the first episode with JLD and can’t wait to hear more
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I’m enjoying the show. Reshma asks thoughtful questions that seem to come effortlessly. I appreciate that she’s an empathetic listener and shares about her own experiences. Thanks!
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I was excited to listen to this podcast but disappointed in the end. The shows message is not universal. It is for wealthy upper class women. I mean I guess I should of known by the shows description (2 non profits, bestselling book and asking is this it?). The host is not a good interviewer and never seemed to hit her stride throughout the episode. It felt clunky like she was just waiting for Julia to finish her answer so she could read the next rehearsed question to her. This coupled with empty advice on finding the joy in your work and setting boundaries left me wanting more. I ended up stopping the episode when a soul sucking back and forth, where Julia ponders if she will delete her numerous unread emails, was followed immediately by a mid roll add. It felt like another cash grab disguised as a podcast.
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As others have commented, the host is wildly detached from the midlife experience of those not in her super successful cohort--and yet she assumes her experiences and opinions as universal. Far too much name- and accomplishment-dropping. I had high hopes for this one but won't be listening to more. It kind of seems like a blatant copy of "Wiser than Me" (same producers, so there you go) but without JLD's wit, conversational skill, and curiosity.
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