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Minnesota Vikings - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Minnesota Vikings
Minnesota Vikings KFAN (KFXN)
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200 ▼ 2 US

Our curated selection of reviews

Adam-W. 02/12/2020
I’m not “that guy” who looks to rip things just for the sake of ripping them but I can’t listen to this podcast. I love the content. Chris is great, but listening to Jay is like listening to a recording on 2x (fast forward). It comes across monotone and robotic. Sorry Jay but my advice is to slow down and show some emotion bro- it’s the Vikings!💪🏼
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BillyBob Rockafeller 12/08/2023
Show has content I'd be interested in, but even with the volume maxed on my device and speaker the audio is too quiet. Don't have a problem with other podcasts...
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same CD as the Last 12/26/2023
The show can be fun listening when fans call in to cope. The callers love to call in and be satisfied with a team that has not made a Super Bowl appearance in 40+ years it’s awesome. But other than that fun the hosts feel like they don’t want to be there and they also enable this happy with being a loser mentality.
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About Minnesota Vikings ranking

Here you find the Apple Podcast Rankings of Minnesota Vikings.


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