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Last Known Position - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Last Known Position
Last Known Position QCODE
Position Change Category Country
54 ▼ 3 US
141 ▼ 11 US

Drama - Last 7 Days Ranking

Fiction - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Gilbercrat 04/01/2023
I’ve listened to dozens of audio dramas and this is definitely in the upper tier. So many are obnoxiously amateur or go absolutely nowhere. This one is more of an action/sci fi series for your ears, defying the trope of the story playing out via audio recordings or videotapes, which was fun in the early days of audio dramas, but has gotten super played out and lazy. Last Known Position has a truly exciting story, great voice acting and sound design, plus lots of good twists and turns. Highly recommend!
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Anom652147 01/08/2023
Listened all the way to the end of season 1! A bit of a triple mystery to keep one guessing. Some twists, turns and reversals as well. Leaves off on another unexplained plot point which makes me want to tune in for season 2.

However I am not sure the series really needs another season, as it was essentially a tale of resolving one man’s grief rather than the hunt (of something mysterious), and season 2 seems set up to be about more hunts (of more things mysterious). So I don’t know if there’s enough story for season 2, but season 1 has mostly complete story arcs on its own.

I do wonder if the resolution of season 1 is that satisfying, thinking on it. I am not sure if the lessons learned were deep enough. Perhaps a bit of the resolution was sacrificed to keep a second season open. But only time will tell when season 2 comes out.

I agree with others the main character, Michela Soto, did become grating after a while. She went through tests of character, but not really to any breaking point. However the story acted like she went through development. Her tone of voice stayed pretty much the same throughout, undercutting any sense of significant change. There was moments when I probably should’ve felt connection to her, and yet I was unmoved.

Anyway beyond the main character, there was some dynamic character moments that was emotionally stirring.

Overall I think I can summarize “Last Known Position” as plot rich but a bit main character and main philosophy poor. If you want something akin to a page turner, this is it. If you like subplots and some engaging secondary characters, this is it.
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Miz Luv 08/28/2022
Setting aside the truly awful and disruptive approach to advertising that QCODE has adopted, this is a good show. Very well acted. Excellent sound production. Story is above average though not quite at the five-star level in my opinion. Definitely a worthwhile listen if you love scripted audio as much as I do. I’d say this one lands at the better end of the spectrum. Unfortunately, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to listen to QCODE shows because of the platform’s alienating ad implementation. I’m 100% fine with ads to the extent they are needed to support the production. I want the best content producers to succeed. Intro ads? Fine. Outro ads? Fine. A single interruption for ads in the middle of a 30-minute segment? Also fine. But there should never be more than ONE break per 30 min of content. And certainly not more than 2 minutes of ads per any one break. Anything else just totally disrupts the storyline and ruins any enjoyment the listener might be getting out the show. It’s enough of a turnoff for me that I have actually begun unsubscribing from the most ad-heavy productions altogether. (iHeart radio, I’m looking at you.) There are many equally high quality content creators out there that have figured out how to pull in sponsorship income and other funding without alienating their subscribers. Investors? Higher rates for fewer ad spots? You clearly have options. Please do some research and come up with a better plan.
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William769 05/16/2023
Great story! Very well made, so much that the thought of making a movie is there. There is only one thing to better make these podcast, and some description in the the beginning it jumped around a lot with not the best explanation. Just some advice you might want to before an event or a scene change you might want to add like (for the attacked fishing boat) “somewhere in the Pacific” and then start the scene otherwise it can get confusing. But other then that great job.
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PrettyMinniee 01/23/2023
I’m all for diversity, LGBTQ+ inclusivity, etc., but this podcast goes overboard with it in the sense that it comes off as trying too hard to include these elements in the story’s plot. I couldn’t ever get into the story because of this, not because I’m bothered by it, but because I wanted to listen to a mystery thriller… not a poorly structured drama that relies entirely on its progressive allure. The dialogue is also absolutely dizzying. I recommend listening to ‘The White Vault’, ‘The Left Right Game’, and ‘The Imperfection’ - shows that beautifully highlight inclusivity - instead of misusing it as a crutch in lieu of originality and good storytelling.
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Joel McCracken 08/16/2023
This show tries its hardest, but ends up being one cliche after another. Which wouldn’t be so bad, if the writing wasn’t so cheesy.

It gives Lost vibes, and that kept me listening, but it really didn’t pay off. I won’t be listening next season.
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