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Johnjay & Rich On Demand - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Johnjay & Rich On Demand
Johnjay & Rich On Demand iHeartRadio
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Our curated selection of reviews

JakeFrom_StateFarm 06/23/2023
Easily one of my favorite morning shows to listen to. Love the chemistry between the crew and I’m always learning something new. Definitely does the job of getting you up in the morning!
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d_m_c_93 10/31/2023
I’m a long time listener and love the show and everyone on it. But ever since the segments are broken down and uploaded separately makes it so much harder to find the full show podcast…. I’m scrolling for so long to find previous episodes. It makes it a headache to find and listen to. It could be more useful to have a separate channel for JJR short clips or something like that, and leave the main page for the full podcast.
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sandisahara 04/01/2024
Love this show! Especially the dynamic between everyone. Kyle should be a therapist! Her responses to issues are very therapeutic and person centered. I’m waiting on the day Rich pulls a Michael Scott, shows up to work the next day and roasts everyone! And Payton’s authenticity is such a good addition to the show. I actually have her same questions and inquiries and appreciate when she is heard, seen, and gets answers. Such a good genuine group of people. Love listening.
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Beautifulsoull 09/13/2024
I have been listening to this show since I was in High School, which I think is the majority of the time they have been on in Arizona. I have heard them through the change of cast, locations, etc and one thing I can say that I love about JohnJay and Rich is that they seem truly authentic. I love this show, and as much as it gets hard to listen as new people come on, you eventually get used to them and love them like they have always been there. This show brings me so much joy and we are blessed to have them!
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AZ Freddie B 09/24/2023
I have been listening to the show from day 1 (I moved to AZ right around the time the show began), but I just can’t do it anymore. You guys have not only taken away the best segments, most of it seems like filler now. I don’t know anyone who cares about horoscopes that much. Bring back the old school segments.

Yes, you do still have WOTR, but even that’s not the same. Kyle, I enjoy your humor, but I beg you, nobody wants to hear you using words like “actually” and “micro influencer”. It’s cringey to listeners like me that are closer in age to Johnjay and Rich themselves. Maybe we’re not the demographic anymore, but our generation does not talk like that.

Last, but not least, I think there is just too much of an age gap between the guys and Payton. I, like a lot of listeners obviously, do not care nor identify with the Gen Z things she talks about, or even the way she talks. She seems like a good person, she just does not flow with the show and needs more life experience.
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jhgfdssajjhgffsa 12/12/2023
Love the crew and the whole idea of Christmas wish is absolutely amazing. However Johnjay routinely is too intrusive with his questions and took it way too far on a recent Christmas wish. No need to interrogate a widow on how her husband died. I so appreciate what the show did for her, but pushing her for details when she had not willingly disclosed the cause of death was completely unnecessary and insensitive
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