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Jocko Unraveling - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Jocko Unraveling
Jocko Unraveling Jocko Willink and Darryl Cooper
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93 ▲ 105 US

History - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

calartist 02/22/2022
Absolutely love the in-depth review and analysis of both historical lead ups, and the modern affects. Nothing beats having spec-ops, and sharp end military guys announcing “it would be uncharacteristic of me…”.
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perrdog0321 03/08/2022
Thoughtful conversation, interesting takes and an in depth perspective that covers a lot of ground. I’m thankful that both of these guys are sharing their views without a filter. LEGIT!
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E_A_B 05/29/2022
Jocko and Darryl do a great job in presenting a perspective that is not often heard. I’m not saying that they are trying to “twist” the narrative on history, rather giving you takes that, while well documented, are often glossed over. I would listen to a “Dan Carlin-esque” 6-hour version of these two going deeper into any one of the subjects they’ve covered.
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InsultingRetard 06/18/2022
An amazing podcasting duo. A lesson in empathy and openness in a culture committed to echo chambers and division
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Kevinskii 09/04/2024
The Unraveling started off as an insightful podcast that carefully examined all aspects of modern issues. Unfortunately it has become an increasingly unhinged and low-evidence rant against supposedly corrupt western “elites”, whoever they are. I appreciate healthy skepticism of the motivations of the powerful, but Darryl makes increasingly tenuous logical leaps to identify his boogeymen, and Jocko does nothing to keep the conversation sane.
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