Top 100 podcasts Charts

Inverted World Live - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Inverted World Live
Inverted World Live Shane Cashman
Position Change Category Country
164 ▼ 13 US
47 ▼ 2 US

Fiction - Last 7 Days Ranking

Science Fiction - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Danny Gat 08/29/2022
I was looking for more mystery podcasts and specifically those that focus on local lore, and man does this podcast deliver. Great stories and high production value make this show a truly remarkable experience. As someone who comes from an area with centuries of myths and legends, I really appreciate the work and love put into this show. It is dark and provides exactly what I want I. A show of this nature. You can tell the team behind this podcast really cares about their audience. Shane brings paranormal investigation to a whole new level. I wish I could recommend it more.
- Side note I was playing this show with family while driving through rural Newengland and had to turn it off because people were getting too freaked out, so you know it’s perfect for fans of the macabre.
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Mudhens010101 08/19/2024
Had high hopes for this show coming from TimCast. Some parts still feel as if they are rambling on and don’t transition really well, but seeing vast improvements from when I first started listening.
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castopr 10/03/2021
I enjoy the podcast and I like Shane. If I could give one critique…. Maybe a little less on the sound effects. I think some are ok but these are a little much. I know Tom was really excited about the sound effects he always mentions them. But relax a little bit it’s over the top right now in my opinion. But again I do enjoy this style of podcast I wish it was an hour instead of 15 mins!
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DocGomez 10/05/2021
Absolutely love this episode and can’t wait for more!!! I dig the sound effects and music. It’s adds to the feel of the episode and helps paint the picture in my mind. I LOVE IT!
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About Inverted World Live ranking

Here you find the Apple Podcast Rankings of Inverted World Live.


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