Our curated selection of reviews
Please never stop doing this podcast.
It’s unbelievably helpful & illuminating to hear inside the minds and thoughts of people actively doing the thing I’m trying to do! Jack is a GREAT interviewer and this podcast has blessed me tremendously!
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Outstanding podcast for actors or anyone who’s interested in the field. What a gift. After listening to many of the interviews, a few ideas seem to be common threads:
1. Work. Just do the work. Especially in the beginning, say yes. Work and learn.
2. Actors are hard-working, sensitive people (which should be obvious, but too many people think they’re pampered).
3. They’re aware of how lucky they are and are extremely grateful to be doing what they do.
4. It’s a tough business, but push on. There’s parts for everyone.
5. They love life in all its messiness.
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This is the best podcast to help navigate current must-see performances and to prepare for the award season. Jack Smart, the host, brings his charm and intellect to each interview. Listen and be entertained!
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Jack is such a strong interviewer and the conversations are warm and informative and fun to listen to. I’m obsessed!
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