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Herbal Radio - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Herbal Radio
Herbal Radio Mountain Rose Herbs
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57 ▲ 1 US

Alternative Health - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Victoria Violet 🍄 11/10/2019
Thank you for this wonderful, amazingly informative herb podcast. This was my very first podcast ever and it far surpassed any expectations I had. I am a massage therapist, new mother, and plant enthusiast who is trying to incorporate Mother Nature and all her healing herbs and fungi into every aspect of my life and my family’s lives. This podcast has quite honestly changed my life. I can never express how thankful I am for you and your existence and everywhere your curiosity has taken you. From Florida, with love ♥️🍄
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ShesonfireFF5 10/31/2015
Best alternative podcast out there! Love your blog, love your products, and the people who do the workshops are amazingly nice and helpful. Love the indepth teaching here!
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louxloui 12/25/2017
I love this podcast. Information is well organized, and descriptive. I listen to many different herbalism podcast, and I think this might be the best one yet. I can’t wait to hear more.
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Dealfinder 12/17/2021
The Rosemary Gladstar episode was so inspiring and such a good overview of the herbal community. Great reminder of how beneficial these amazing plants are to every aspect of life ♥️
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Thatgurljenn 11/08/2024
I consider myself a spiritual person, but I hate how most herbalism talks from this channel and its guests (and many others in the herbalism world) seem to focus so much on the spiritual aspect of herbalism. It’s HIGHLY alienating to people who don’t share those beliefs at all, or to people who ARE spiritual, but don’t share the same views. So many people think herbalism is “alternative medicine” or that it is for hippies, hipsters, and quacks! I truly believe people think that way because of this obsession with spiritism. I went on a plant walk with an herbalist last year and all he could talk about was how these plants open your third eye or bring out the lion in Leos born in August. I’m not into astrology. I don’t believe in third eyes. I just want to learn how to identify plants safely, use them in my life, and respect the earth. This appreciation is not exclusive to someone who likes astrology and spiritism. More than Half the attendees were rolling their eyes and the other half was split - either they were into it or didn’t know what to think. I felt it was a HUGE missed opportunity to connect with people of all mindsets. An opportunity this podcast is also missing, too. A compromise would be to offer at least half of the content with the more scientific person in mind, and the other half can focus on the souls of your plant friends and mercury being in retrograde if that floats peoples boats. It’s reinforcing the “Kookie/weirdo/ hipster” stereotype that plant lovers constantly endure! My own husband told me once that foraging sounded “hippy dippy.” if we taught herbalism the same way we teach other sciences with some modifications to make it fun people wouldn’t think that way. It wouldn’t be an alternative. It’d be a STANDARD!
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Joannzzil 10/10/2019
Exploring this podcast I came across this episode. I am not a herbalist but I am a certified naturalist. This podcast offers very uneven info. Some correct but some just plain wrong. Specifically, his lengthy talk on the “herb” chaparral. First, chaparral is not a herb or even a particular plant, rather it is a community of a variety of specific plants usually growing at low to moderate altitudes in the western US. There is no one plant that can be referred to as chaparral which renders this portion of the lecture nonsense.
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