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The host Sam has a deep understanding not only of psychology as a field but specific frameworks and mental models that have tremendous power and yet often remain relegated to theory and self-help books. This show synthesizes those models into real-life scenarios and ACTIONS you can take to unlock the power of our hungriest organ (not muscle)—the brain. Listen if you want to be challenged and are ready to put the knowledge (tightly edited into reasonable length episodes) to work.
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This podcast has a lot of wonderful tips to improve how you think and how you feel about simply being alive. With so many daily stresses burdening us, Sam’s voice is a welcome balm on the nervous system and his information and suggestions will make you smarter, more resilient, and …dare I say it? …. Happier, even if the external circumstances do not change. A very worthwhile listen!
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Sam does a great job talking about everything related to a growth mindset. Episodes are filled with a flow from start to finish about growth mind set insights from both universal examples and his own personal experiences that help bring our own lives into better perspective.
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I love this podcast. It gives me insight into my own mind and how it works. As a life-long student of the mind/body/spirit connection, I love this secular approach and how it integrates with my more spiritual bent. Well done!
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