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Greeking Out from National Geographic Kids - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Greeking Out from National Geographic Kids
Greeking Out from National Geographic Kids National Geographic Kids
Position Change Category Country
2 - US
1 - US

Kids & Family - Last 7 Days Ranking

Stories for Kids - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Podcastmom4 12/05/2024
Greeking Out is my kids’ new favorite podcast and we’ve now listened to all episodes twice! I hope they will be making more seasons soon. It’s a great combination of good storytelling, humor and educational.
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Ilovesabrinacaroenter 12/06/2024
I have been listening to this podcast for almost 4-5 years now and am OBSESSED!! It is so funny and great to listen to when cooking, drawing, and even sleeping. I am looking forward to the next season so much and thank you to every one who has made Greeking Out a thing. (Emily Everhart, Perry Grip, Scotty Beam, Tori Kerr, Gillian Hughes, Kenny Curtis, Dr. Meredith Saffron, Emily Burkett, and Laurie Broda)


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Aspen3232 12/11/2024
I have been listening for a LONG time and basically know every episode by heart. (I have at least listened to the whole podcast at least a dozen times).I love the Oracle so much the host,Kenny is hilarious! I love how much detail they put in each episode. I love Greek mythology and this podcast takes the cake over all the books I have read about Greek mythology . But I don’t love the Ancient Egypt episodes. It is always so sad when I am listening at home and the latest episode ends and i have to wait another week for a new episode. But still love it so much! And I also think a cross over type episode would be GREAT. You should also do at least a whole episode about the “but that’s a story for another time.”thing. LOVE THIS PODCAST AND EVERYTHING ABOUT IT🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁one of my favorite episodes is Eros and Psyche! More ROMANCE please
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for the lovesend if 12/17/2024
I really like this podcast because it is very engaging in every episode and it has many funny jokes that will have you laughing it is very good at keeping kids engaged and enthralled especially pre teens to teenagers I love listening to it when I am getting ready or just in my free time 🩷🩷🩷
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About Greeking Out from National Geographic Kids ranking

Here you find the Apple Podcast Rankings of Greeking Out from National Geographic Kids.


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