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Foretold - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Foretold Los Angeles Times
Position Change Category Country
194 - US

Society & Culture - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Silly o 10/10/2023
Very well done and thought out perspective on the Romani culture. Told from multiple sides of the story. Thank you for producing and writing this! Very educational, I did not know much about the Romani people or practices and this was incredibly intriguing.
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Marezein 12/18/2024
I have been interested in the Romani culture for quite some time. It honestly parallels my own culture in so many ways. I truly admire Romani people for not only knowing their history but cherishing it. I think Paulina’s story is a perfect example of how nuanced our relationship with culture can be. We can love our culture so much but also feel suffocated by it. I wasn't surprised that Paulina learned to love her culture through time because honestly, what she hated was people’s interpretation of what it meant to be Romani. She later learned that she is Romani no matter what and no one could take away her heritage even if they blackballed her in the end. I’m glad she found love and community within the Romani activist movement and I think her voice should be heard and valued within it. Every story is not black and white; right or wrong its so complicated and I think the podcast did a great job of highlighting that. Bravo, Faith and Bravo, Paulina! It was a great ride with you both. Keep sharing about your culture because people want to hear it and its too beautiful to hide away.
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dusty oldbones 06/29/2023
Minor mid-season spoiler: MAJOR creep vibes from Paulina’s new partner— a 40-something arrested for domestic abuse (“I didn’t handle my breakup well” 😵) who then decides to pursue a woman 20 years his junior…. Girl, run! Throw the whole man away!!!!!! I actually am scared for her.
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tacokate 10/19/2023
Excellent story telling - really captures the humanity of the subjects
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