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Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade
Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade Audacy
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4 ▲ 1 US

Comedy - Last 7 Days Ranking

Comedy Interviews - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Happy shark 03/22/2024
I love the superfly banter between David and Dana. I have listened to every episode and they always make me smile and laugh out loud. Dana’s presidential mattress ad keeps playing in my mind and makes me burst out laughing at random times throughout the day. His presidential impressions make me actually like every president he impersonates even more - or at all in some cases. I have always had nothing but love for David Spade and it’s so enjoyable to hear him riff, catch a Michael J Fox impression, or get an inside glimpse into his life with hypoglycemia. David, when you came on stage as a surprise guest for Adam Sandler in SC I thought I was going to lose it! I wish nothing but the best for these two comedy gems, hope the podcast never ends :)
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Creemeily 10/30/2023
I am relatively new to this podcast but oh my lord am I soo glad I found this one! I don’t listen to many on a weekly basis but this one def does it for me ….both Dana and David are hilarious in their own right but together they are phenomenally hilarious!! Absolutely love them and all of their compelling guests that don’t have to be from the standup world or SNL alum to really be comical and just majorly funny…. It keeps me tuning in weekly, always a great listen and it’s just my new good habit… really, please please don’t ever stop this guys it’s a true hoot!! AND THANKS THANKS THANKS FOR ALL BOTH OF YOU GUYS PUT INTO THE PODCAST AND THOSE WHO HELP TO MAKE IT HAPPEN- TONS of kudos and just so cool! Gratzi
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Shanchap 09/03/2023
I genuinely enjoy listening to these guys just riff. It’s fun that they are so laid back and it isn’t scripted and stiff. Their interaction with the guests makes you feel like you’re sitting in the room in an easy chair and part of the convo.
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Rebecca Whitcomb 09/11/2023
I cannot listen to 5 minutes of Dana and David without cracking up😂 Literally, just their laughs make me laugh, Nevermind their hilarious interviews.
Always loved these guys, and I look so forward to listening to this at work every day!
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Mt.ShastaRat 01/21/2024
I discovered this awesome podcast with Dana Carvey and David Spade once I discovered the Strikeforce Five podcasts ….which ended. I knew these guys from SNL but they’ve only gotten better and richer over time and there is nothing more entertaining than good comedians riffing together. Strangely, Spade’s slow and seemingly personal delivery of the ‘ads’ really work! He gets you to listen. Great to hear Dana this week with a heartfelt message.
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illidoquitous 02/11/2024
I have listened to this show, usually begrudgingly, since the beginning. David has had a lot of experience interviewing guests, and it shows; Dana has not, and it shows. I no longer listen to every episode but only the ones in which I am really interested in the guest. Dana interrupts constantly and doesn’t allow for the conversations to find the funny. I think David sees himself on a lower tier than Dana, so he doesn’t pipe up nearly as much; and when he does, he’s often interrupted by Dana.

It drives me crazy that, apparently, they’ve read the reviews and lightly poke fun at themselves for the interruptions and inexperience, but aren’t interested in making that better. I’m assuming there’s no producer with enough gravitas or pull to actually admonish them in to improving. I love Dana Carvey, and have since 1992. He is wonderful when being interviewed, or comedy specials, or in movies. Let David take the lead on interviews and maybe Dana can work on interjecting when appropriate?

The last straw for me is this Superfly sub-podcast. I didn’t know what it is, and I assume others didn’t either, and I started playing it and THEY OFFER NO EXPLANATION FOR WHAT IT IS. I think I remember them saying something about it in another episode, but for Pete’s sake, in the PILOT episode, maybe, I don’t know, explain what this new thing is so your listeners aren’t lost? This is on the hosts, but also on the podcast producers. So, I just can’t anymore. I look forward to work from Dana and David in other formats, because this most doesn’t work.
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About Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade ranking

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