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Fantasy Football Weekly - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Fantasy Football Weekly
Fantasy Football Weekly iHeartPodcasts
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Fantasy Sports - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Mr. Millenial 03/23/2024
Love listening in and out of season and always have to hear what Charch and crew have to say. The podcast format is awesome, rotating characters keeps it fresh and grows a wide following for many styles of FF play. They’re pretty accurate with player predictions and will self-deprecate on the ones that they whiff on- they’re human, not robots and it’s fun.

Only grip of the podcast is audio quality- changing volume between commercials and the podcast, bad drop quality at times and bad microphone etiquette by some makes it a challenging listen at times.
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Chagrrmeister 11/26/2022
I’ve been listening since the 90’s on KFAN and the content has always been the best and most in depth you can get. If you are looking for fantasy advice, this is the show you can trust the most.

With that being said, this version has way too many commercial breaks for what the show is, and all those commercials (at least for me) are all non pertinent. I wish there was a pay commercial free version I could get because I have to press the fast forward button way too often.

My other complaint is the rejoiner music they chose is horrible. The show would be better with no music at all than the dumb music they use. You can excuse the cringy drops, but the music stinks. Also, time to get rid of the script Charch, you are much better when you are spit balling .
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Ptlang15 09/11/2023
Love the Fantasy Football Weekly podcast with Charch. They are insightful and funny and help me make tough decisions every week of the season.
But the recent posts from other podcasts are annoying. If I wanted those to pop up in my feed, I would susbscribe to them directly. I’ve tried listening to a couple of them, and both times had to stop after 10-15 because they are just obnoxious.
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JimmyDBags 10/02/2021
This is a really good podcast. These guys are not only informative, they’re very funny too. I legitimately have a good time listening to them and I recommend them to any football and or fantasy fan. Breesh, they’re good! I looked forward to This podcast every Friday night!
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