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Exponent - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Exponent Ben Thompson / James Allworth
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114 ▼ 7 US

Technology - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

πŸ€”β„’οΈ 06/13/2020
Attentive tech watchers are doubtlessly familiar with Ben Thompson’s analysis by now. As a multi-year reader, I can attest to the volume and quality of his work. Ben also possesses the rare gift of communicating his ideas clearly β€” to the point where I can borrow his concepts to explain the value of Amazon Web Services to my grandparents who, bless their hearts, only know one type of server: those that work at Golden Corral.

At this point in their careers, Ben may be the more recognizable member of this duo. However, James Allworth provides Ben with what their audience deserves: a true peer. James has great breadth and is particularly adept at provoking engaging discussions. I have yet to listen to another podcaster who excels at going five levels deep to the extent that James does.

Listeners should know that once they hear the β€œBen! How are you?” opening they are in for a 45 minute treat. I am gratefully working my way through their 180+ episode back catalog β€” and hopeful that we will have be able to listen to another 100+ episodes of the great partnership between these two.
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Gumshue 08/09/2020
If you’re interested in existing and emerging technologies and gaining deep insights into this multifaceted landscape, you’ll really value what Ben and James generously deliver here. A fun and wonderfully informative listen.
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csymonds 01/18/2021
James and Ben have a dynamic that is captivating, generating thoughtful discussion on nuanced issues with an accessible and humorous touch. Highly recommend for anyone interested in the state of technology, media and society today and historically. Stratechery in a conversation. Superfan!
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appdevone 06/09/2019
Centered around aggregation theory, explains what's going on with companies like Facebook, Uber, Google through that lenses. Insightful and entertaining
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Nyso! 11/02/2019
The main speaker keeps talking for minutes uninterrupted at high speed and a bit of a slur (like having had too much coffee) which makes it soo much more diffcult and unpleasant to keep listening to the good content. I strongly recommend to make a few, simple changes: slow down, talk in sentences with brief pauses in betweeen, lke writing with full stops rather than one endless sentence, try to manage your level of excitement/nervousness when talking...will improve the quality a lot and the content will come across more impactful.
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