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Doughboys - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Doughboys Headgum / Doughboys Media
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70 ▲ 7 US

Comedy - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

PodCastaway in SoCal 10/06/2024
Sometimes you find the perfect combination - burger and fries, chocolate vanilla swirl…Mitch and Wiger. There’s something about that recipe that just works and brings me laughs even with repeated listens. The UCBverse guests, Emma and Amelia, the ghost of Yusong, everything is perfect. This podcast is like a Popeye’s spicy three piece, side and a biscuit… there’s nothing healthy about it but it’s soooo good. Five forks.

I’m changing my middle name to Frank.
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Falsedragon 09/11/2024
This pod was definitely “can’t miss” status for several years. But I’ve been struggling to keep up this year.

They’re really stretching the recording schedule as it’s so, so, so far ahead of release date. It feels irrelevant talking NBA Finals in August or the Olympics in September.

Still some great laughs, but I’d love to see the guys get back to form with some of their incredible past recurring guests who seem to have gone dark these last few years: Paul Rust, Mookie, Gabrus, Carl Tart, the Knife, YKS, Fran, Eva, Becky, Hodgman—people who know the show and are in on the joke.

The Patreon in particular has been pretty lazy this year. Its really hard to compare the incredible, two-episode arc hot dog/friendship investigation to a recent review of watermelon. Lol

Getting back to a reasonable distance between record/release would help for sure.
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tlove84 01/01/2024
These two, their production team, and their guests are so hilarious, cringe, and endearing simultaneously. You know how you’re supposed to laugh to sort of lift your spirits? Doughboys does the trick and I’m glad I found them in 2023!
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MeleahQ 01/06/2024
The Doughboys offer rare insight into chain restaurants and provide laughs while doing it. I enjoy peeking in on their friendship and the many fights and make ups along the way. Their guests are always amazing!
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