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Dear America Podcast - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Dear America Podcast
Dear America Podcast Dear America Media
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64 ▼ 5 US

News Commentary - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

ShanktheBank 07/26/2022
I’ve been listening to this show since I was fifteen and I’m now I’m voting this fall. It’s an honest and educational show that more mature teens should listen to. I love that Graham and his team say what needs to be said and are fair about it. Teens should be constantly listening to podcast like this, Christian, conservative, thinking for yourself podcast!!
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j colato 08/10/2022
Just wow! I heard one episode and next thing I know, binge listening for hours. The bold are rising and this podcast is encouraging. It’s facts! Thank you for having the hard and uncomfortable conversation our church does not want to have.
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Katgirl437kg 10/28/2022
I have a few podcasts in my rotation, but Graham is my absolute favorite. I’m a Buddhist and a Wiccan, and I love that this is a Christian podcast, I’ve learned so much. Graham offers perspective from both a logical and Christian standpoint. Keep the good work.
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Ready for Battle 09/04/2023
I love listening to this podcast that speaks truth and does not conform to the insanity of our culture! We as Christian Americans need to be rooted in the truth of God’s word and equipped to fight the spiritual battle before us. This podcast is focused on just that!! Thank you for all that you do!!
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Jamiem2008 11/07/2023
I’ve listened to nearly every episode and I enjoyed his logical, no-nonsense approach to reporting headlines and sharing his thoughts. He always has great insight - politically, culturally, AND spiritually. But since he joined Rumble, I can’t stand the new show. Todd’s great, Zach’s great, Graham’s constant dramatics are just too much for me. I think of listening every once in a while, and I just can’t make myself click on any of the overly dramatic episode titles. I hope this is just a phase while he’s getting used to Rumble because he seriously needs to take it down a notch or twelve.
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Bbdghbfggguuggg 10/29/2023
Graham cuts his cohosts off constantly. As soon as they want to talk he won’t allow it. It’s so annoying. I’d like to hear their thoughts on matters. Why even have cohosts if you don’t respect them enough to let them talk?
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