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Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark Turning Point USA
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Our curated selection of reviews

ecleg 07/05/2024
After 2 years of listening, there has not been an episode which has not peaked my interest in one way or another. The topics Alex chooses to cover are often things I’ve never paid much attention to, but by the end of an episode I feel like doing a deep dive into my own research! The more I listen the more I learn, and I have begun to see the world through a new lens. There are so many episodes I have listened to 2-3x because they are that good. You won’t regret listening!
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Kjaemusicc 07/09/2024
Alex Clark, I have been meaning to share this for some time, but I just wanted to thank you immensely for Poplitics, for The Spillover, and for staying true to who God has made you to be and the callings he has placed on your heart. You are making deep impact. The Spillover Podcast has been instrumental in my health transformation over this last year. I have been struggling with endometriosis for years now, and your episode with Dr. Flynn led me to seek help from their Wellness Way clinics. I have overhauled my diet and lifestyle completely. It was your episode with Dr. Roger McFillin that convinced me to safely wean off of my psych meds that I had been on since I was 8 years old. 😵‍💫😉 Your episode with attachment specialist Adam Lane Smith made me realize how much I still had not processed about my family upbringing/dynamics and it compelled my husband and I to seek Biblical counseling from our pastor about it all. Your episode with former lobbyist, Calley Means really shook me to my core about our pharma/food system and now my husband and I are determined to reconnect with our local farmers and ancestors in diet, which was only affirmed and supported even further by the amazing Sally Fallon Morell, (now a total Wise Traditions podcast lover 😄) Holistic Hilda, and your recent episode/documentary with Joel Salatin. Since these diet/ lifestyle changes, emboldened by your podcast, my body has been healing…physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and my marriage has even enriched and strengthened in the process. I now get to dream again about having kids. (Endometriosis makes fertility hard) Whether through birth or through adoption, I have never felt more excited and equipped for motherhood with episodes like “Motherhood Can’t Wait,” with Suzanne Venker, “Your Birth Experience is Your Baby’s Too,” with Lindsey Meehleis, and “Therapy is Preventing Kids from Growing Up,” with Abigail Shrier. (I was a poster child for child therapy….I can tell you first hand, everything Abigail said was right on the money!) Along with these episodes, Jefferson Bethke’s episode has also set a clear overarching goal for my husband and I’s family structure. We want to create a Kingdom building, multigenerational family that leaves legacies of Christ everywhere it grows. And the coolest part about all of this, is that I know I’m not alone in experiencing this deep impact! This podcast has helped SO MANY! Alex, this is all because you and the TPUSA team have done an incredible job of fostering these vitally important, transformational conversations. Thank you, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. If you ever doubt yourself and the impact God is creating through you, DONT. Always a fan. Always will be! Oh and thanks for being a conservative Swiftie, too! 😉 From one Swiftie to another, love ya to the moon and to Saturn! 🪐💫
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Nicole.Marie.M 09/20/2024
I can't rave enough about Culture Apothecary! Every episode is packed with thought provoking topics, actionable insights and expert advice that make a real difference in my daily life. Whether it's health, wellness or living counter culturally, this podcast covers it all in such a relatable and engaging way.

I always finish an episode feeling empowered and educated and am always sharing with my friends and family. Alex is phenomenal—down-to-earth, knowledgeable, and fun. Her passion on healing a sick culture shines, making each episode feel personal and intentional. If you haven’t listened yet, what are you waiting for?!
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Voice for the Voicelss 09/28/2024
This podcast has changed my life in countless ways! Most podcasts, I find episodes I love and then some are “meh”. I love every one of the guests on this show and I love how Alex does such a great job keeping the show informative and upbeat. Even though there are some topics that go deep and dark (exposing corruption), she manages to keep it SO upbeat and keeps the listener engaged. I do not miss a single episode of this podcast. It is a regular rhythm in my week and I love learning something new every single time I listen to the show.

If I had to pick one podcast to listen to for the rest of my life and then scrap the others i listen to, THIS podcast would be it.
Alex is a powerful voice for Millennials like myself. She is empowering soooooo many moms like myself in this current time we live in. I love the courage and creativity Alex displays as she tackles big pharma, big food and so many other aspects of the corruption in our country.

Thank you Alex for all that you do!!! 🩷🔥💪
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LauraRichardsIsBetter 09/12/2024
At a Turning Point USA women's summit held in June, podcast host Alex Clark encouraged women to stop taking their hormonal birth control, because, she said, "it is completely altering your personality" and that "many birth control pills are actually abortifacients." This woman is not a doctor and her suggestions are a danger to public health. Please speak to a licensed medical professional before discontinuing any medication prescribed to you.
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SBJ85 06/06/2024
I recently listened to the episode with Calley Means. While I think he makes some great points, it is absolutely incorrect that HIV is curable. As an HIV healthcare provider, this shocked me that someone so knowledgeable would make such an uninformed statement. HIV is still epidemic, especially in the southern US. We can keep it under control with medications but it is not curable. Check your facts.
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