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This is, by far, my favorite podcast. I can listen to it any time. It’s keeps my interest without all the extra banter. It’s a very good balance of information and personality. I’m currently binging to cast up but I can absolutely see myself listening over and over again like a good comfort TV show.
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I listen to a lot of true crime podcasts. I don’t mind the swearing and the gruesome details at all, but when you’re in the mood for a milder podcast, this is the place. The shows are well researched and very evenly paced. This is my comfort podcast :)
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I’m a big fan of true crime podcast and just recently discovered this one. From the start it became my new favorite. Easy to listen to, straight facts and just enjoyable, I will be staying for more!
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I’m a longtime True Crime reader (since I was a teen in the 80’s!! Long before it was a thing and everyone thought I was a budding lunatic 😆) I just discovered your podcast and love it! You really take the time to research your cases and discuss them with so much compassion for the victims. I just followed and am looking forward to going down the rabbit hole and listening to all of them
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