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Cover 3 College Football - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Cover 3 College Football
Cover 3 College Football CBS Sports, College Football, Football, CFB, College Football Picks
Position Change Category Country
25 ▼ 1 US
117 ▼ 19 US

Football - Last 7 Days Ranking

Sports - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

AndrewT208 10/31/2024
Have listened to this pod for years. I love the humor in each episode along with the insight the show provides. Show isn’t as good since Bud left and Danny joined. Spend way too much time on the top 25 and why voters are bad. The constant jokes about SEC teams being too highly ranked bit is sort of played out too. Too much Danny taking over the show and now doing less actual football breakdown which the rest of the group is terrific at. The Big Ten episode weekly isn’t great but i know with CBS you have to try to get excitement there so i just skip that one. Still like the show but not an avid follower anymore. Use to listen to every episode and right when it uploaded.
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NatRhomberg 12/01/2024
I love the pod, and all episodes are a part of my weekly listening routine. Since 2021 the locks pod has been one of my favorite shows because it’s been a great combination of game previews and gambling insight (I get that second part isn’t for everyone).

This year I’m starting to lose interest because of the addition of the Mackenzie segment. I’m no Mackenzie hater, I think there can be a place for her on the show. However, her popping in and throwing out random picks before the big games have been discussed completely throws me off as a listener. Guys are agreeing with some picks, fighting others, and then these games don’t get the conversation they deserve because there’s no order to things during her segment. When she popped on with one pick, no big deal. Now she has several at once and they don’t follow the format of the rest of the show. Why can’t her picks come later after big games have already been discussed? Hoping for some format changes in the future or this may not be as big of a priority for me.
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PMo561 12/30/2024
I’ve been listening to this podcast since 2018 before they changed the name to Cover 3. I still love the podcast it provides a lot more insight than anything on TV. My ONLY complaint is that the Locks Pod has become messy and hard to follow along. There are way too many “locks” in general and I feel like it has diluted the Locks Pod.
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Fat_Greg 11/13/2024
Long time listener, first time commenter. Love the show; talking real football with good insights from people with a football IQ higher than their inseam. I do have to ask, why does everyone think Texas is a great team? They were being held up by a wins over Oklahoma and Michigan, which look worse every week. So we’re giving them kudos for not stubbing their toe on Vandy and losing to a two loss Georgia team that everyone agrees has major flaws?
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DJBA331 11/12/2024
Formerly the best football podcast. Unfortunately the quality has fallen off and the show seems infused with negativity. Opinions toward several teams come across as spiteful and often demeaning. Still enjoy listening to Danny.
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Bearcat Flash 12/16/2024
I really really love the pod… but the product quality is seriously suffering with an exploding number of ads. Really negatively impacts the listening experience.

C’mon CBS. Do better. Don’t ruin a great thing.
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