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City Council Chronicles - Podcast Rankings and reviews

City Council Chronicles
City Council Chronicles Michael Karlik
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DRS7051 04/22/2017
This is amazing... somewhat parody, yet somewhat legitimate interviews, it's that perfect blend of listening for amusment, yet having some real content. Michael has a very serious, dated, local TV persona, not unlike something you might hear on The Daily Show. He finds light-hearted city council topics and then conducts real interviews with local members. It's one of those comedy approaches where it's unclear who the joke is on, but it's amusing!
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Ahimsa54 07/02/2017
I never thought city council meetings could be fun, but I was wrong! Michael makes a seemingly boring topic fun with his deadpan humor, amusing questions and informative guests. Give it a listen!
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ChappyPants 03/09/2018
As a city councilmember in the greatest place ever to raise kids (Pullman, WA), I always keep an eye out for good podcasts. I appreciate GovLove and and other podcasts. But this one takes the cake because it's not just an informative discussion. The beauty of it is Michael Karlik, who strikes the right balance of sarcastic and sardonic. Whether he's talking about "truck nuts" or commenting on funny soundclips, his humor, even the tongue-in-cheek stuff, is greatly appreciated. As a councilmember, it's important to take our work seriously, but not ourselves too seriously. I love it.
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Nonprofit E.D. 05/09/2017
I really like the premise of this show and was happy to see it meet (if not exceed) my expectation. Since I love to travel, the idea of getting to know a new place through the hosts eyes and ears is pretty cool. I like that the people interviewed are different ages and with different perspectives. Right now is also a great time to highlight local politicians both for their sake and ours. As a divided nation, we need to do a better job of listening. I'm going to keep listening to this podcast as a start. :)
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