Our curated selection of reviews
I love listening to these guys and it’s more than just picks. They’re genuinely entertaining. Even if they personally have an off week, they still have great angles and info because they cover so many extra games over what they’re betting.
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Fun to hear the banter. Refreshing to hear a betting pod where the hosts aren’t saying “this isn’t gambling it’s data and science”. It’s fun, the guys are entertaining and it makes football Saturdays and Sundays even more entertaining
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I stumbled across Mike Valenti many years ago after his famous MSU/Notre Dame tirade. When you’re from the south and an SEC fan, you tend to think northerners only pay attention to pro sports, but I’ve listened to him for years on YouTube (I live in Atlanta) and I am impressed by his overall knowledge of college football and his detail he puts into cash the ticket. Informative, amusing,.,,it’s a great show and Mr. Costa is a great partner. Mike is currently one of my favorite loud mouth yankees because he’s a kindred spirit when it comes to college football. Keep up the good work
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Best sports podcast out there! Entertaining and insightful. These guys do the work and it shows.
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