Top 100 podcasts Charts

Boomtown - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Boomtown Imperative Entertainment and Texas Monthly
Position Change Category Country
28 ▲ 4 US
187 ▲ 9 US

Documentary - Last 7 Days Ranking

Society & Culture - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Story Wright 09/26/2024
This was an excellent review / history of the development of the Permian Basin. The interviews and real time family conversations were priceless. Having a family background with Texas Oil and Landmen I especially appreciate the background that was presented.
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VronTx 07/23/2024
I have a new found appreciation and admiration for the people and life of West Texas. As a born and bred Texan, Texas is so big, complex and multifaceted, there are areas and places that I hadn't heard about seen or explored. This podcast took me to some of those places. The people and the stories were amazing. The storytelling was amazing!! I binged the entire show and have told some of my non-native Texas Texans about it but can see that it doesn’t resonate the same way that it does with me. I don’t care though. I’m telling everyone about this show. Well done Christian Wallace and Texas Monthly!!
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Knowledge Enthusiast 10/24/2024
Really enjoyed this podcast that I’m sure just scratched the surface on the Permian Basin. Having had relatives who made a living (a big living) in the oil and gas industry, I was somewhat familiar with the region. However, this podcast gave me the impetus to read about and explore the region further. It was what a podcast should be, entertaining with a enough information to stoke your curiosity for further knowledge.
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dawson dekleine 10/04/2024
This is one of the best if not the best podcast I have ever listened to. I have listened to it at least 3 times and it never gets old. I love the original song and all the other music in the podcast. I love the interviews. And I love how hometown it feels, it’s great!
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