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Bloomberg Surveillance - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Bloomberg Surveillance
Bloomberg Surveillance Bloomberg
Position Change Category Country
7 ▼ 1 US
152 ▼ 5 US

Business News - Last 7 Days Ranking

News - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Mohan Srinivasan 09/24/2021
This is one podcast that I do not miss. Fantastic, smart, funny hosts and great guests. Love the banter ! Put this on your “must listen everyday” list.
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Highrain2 04/09/2022
I generally like the show and listen everyday. But recently it’s become more and more apparent that Jon Faro has a chip on his shoulder against the Biden Administration. Last year unfortunately his father passed away and he wasn’t able to travel home to the UK due to COVID restrictions. I do feel for him on that. But after that, whenever a Biden administration member comes on the show, he goes after them aggressively, puts words in their mouths, alludes that they are being disingenuous. Compare his grilling with anyone else he interviews and the differences are huge. Last week Labor Secretary Walsh was on and he took issue with him traveling home to see his family on the weekends. Really? And that has nothing to do with Bloomberg news. He’s injecting his own opinion and bias instead of asking fair questions and it’s unprofessional.
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opportunityisnowhere 10/05/2023
I enjoy this podcast and listen regularly, 3-4 times a week. Overall, it’s very good. The theme music they play between segments is too loud and very annoying, since I typically listen with earbuds. The only other complaint is Tom’s fawning over Rep. French Hill who they let spew highly partisan anti-Biden rhetoric. If wanted that I’d turn on Fox. To their credit, Jon and Lisa are real journalists and will push back and ask the tough questions, but the show would be better if they (1) ditched the partisans, or (2) gave equal airtime to a Democrat for a counter opinion.
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Artie E. 10/06/2021
I find Bloomberg surveillance to be very useful, because many of their guests have insightful comments about the markets. However, the childish bickering among the hosts sometimes gets annoying.
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Ocgeezer 01/24/2024
I’ve been listening to this show for YEARS and the recent change has made the show much worse. Previously, they would simulcast on both TV and radio for most of the show. This worked in a couple of ways. The team with Jon Ferro, Lisa Abramowicz was second to none. With TK’s encyclopedic knowledge and wit, Ferro’s insightful and often times, tough, questions and Bramo’s overall skill as a host made this the dream team. Nothing against Paul Sweeney, but the simulcast team was the best. Now that there’s no longer a simulcast, and the trio has been separated, the banter is gone and feel of the show is not the same. Also, the quality of the guests have declined. I would only assume the better guests are reserved for the TV portion. Bloomberg, you have made a terrible mistake. The new TV set looks nice. But it’s just not same without this trio. Bring back the simulcast. More importantly, bring back the dream team.
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Bobcatgut 12/03/2024
The audio mix is very bad. The dialogue is quite low, so you to turn your volume up, and then the commercial break comes on VERY LOUD. Their producer/engineer needs to normalize the volume between segments.
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