Top 100 podcasts Charts

Bertcast - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Bertcast Berty Boy Productions
Position Change Category Country
100 ▼ 17 US

Comedy - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

toneE2timz 04/12/2020
Never listened to podcasts until I found Bert Kreischer on Facebook with the machine story I watched the special and you have been my favorite comic along with burr. This show has introduced me to the comedy world because of Bert Kreischer I found all these great comics that I never knew about and now I’m fans of Danish & O’Neill, Ari Shaffir, Tom Segura, etc. I listen to every podcast from bertcast to 2 bears 1 cave to the bill Bert podcast they get me through work everyday I even started going through the back catalogue the first podcast you did with Joey Diaz and your dad was great never laughed so hard in my life. Thank you so much for this great entertainment
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Ship fitter 03/31/2021
If it wasn’t for this show I don’t think I’d still be alive. You guys have helped me step away from the ledge. I truly thank you for all that you guys do. I feel joy when listening. You’ve brought me to think outside the box most of us are trapped in.
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josh84jr 03/20/2020
I literally listen to this podcast as fast as they come out. It is amazing it makes the work day fly by and he is so fun and down to earth!! Keep up the good work Bert!!!
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Adam 239 01/15/2023
Love this fresh, humbling look at life of a comic and the industry. Great stories, lots of laughs, great guests. Keep it up!
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iruriudjdhccj 09/06/2022
This would be a great pod cast if you would allow your guests to finish their story. You are constantly interrupting and talking about yourself which makes each episode hard to follow and beyond frustrating to listen to. I was excited to listen to Ryan Sickler because he is a fantastic story teller but you wouldn’t let him finish any of his stories. This is a terrible pod cast. Don’t waste your time! Check out the Honey Due pod cast instead.
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chitown1421 06/16/2020
Bert’s stand up is awesome but lately the podcast being done without the person in the room has been painful. I couldn’t get through the first 10 minutes of the mark normand interview which is really sad because they are both super funny people. Bert needs to take a break from these podcasts or he needs to man up and do his pods in person like his buddy joe Rogan. I’ll be taking a break for a while.
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