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Barely Famous - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Barely Famous
Barely Famous PodcastOne
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31 ▲ 120 US

Society & Culture - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

man boy girl boy 02/21/2024
As someone that grew up watching MTV, I obviously know who Kail is. I know all her boys names and who her ex’s are 😒. I think it’s amazing that she went from 16&Pregnant/Teen Mom to having her own empire. She’s a single mom & so aspiring and is just a REAL down to earth chick. She’s been thru it all, struggled, but comes out on top. Her drama never ends, but does it ever for us either? I’m very interested in what she has to say and hearing her perspective. Her own podcast is amazing! Been waiting for this! 🤗🤗
Update- I am loving the latest podcasts with Kail and Elijah. I hope having him host is a permanent thing or make another one bc I’ll definitely subscribe. It’s inspirational to see her thriving in her relationship and mom of 7!!!!!! She’s evolved so much from when I first started listening.
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BrittanyFayeG 04/26/2024
Today’s episode with Matt was by far the funniest episode yet. Enjoyed this so much and the chickens in the background were hilarious! Literally laughed out loud when he was yelling at them.
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NessaBer90 05/10/2024
I love Kail and Vee’s pod and I’ve been listening for years. So I thought maybe I should branch out and listen to their other pods. My first episode from Barely famous was the one with Matt Matthew’s. I was literally crying from laughter the entire time! Love this duo we didn’t know we needed.
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Peach111222333 07/24/2024
Been really enjoying their love after lock up gypsy rose recaps-their back and forth and how they talk about it is refreshing, a lot recaps are all snark and jokes and this is more of a discussion with a nice balance of serious/keeping it lite-I like the opinions and takes and how they both aren’t afraid to disagree with one another and then discuss it and how they give their own personal stories to what their discussing-I would like to hear them discuss and recap other reality shows with the same approach-
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