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Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick | Law, justice, and the courts - Podcast Rankings and reviews

Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick | Law, justice, and the courts
Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick | Law, justice, and the courts Slate Podcasts
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186 ▼ 24 US
36 ▼ 5 US

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News Commentary - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

Another US Patriot 09/10/2024
Dahlia and her guests provide engaging conversation on ideas, insights, and information that are truly important for ALL people in American to learn about and consider. You don’t need to be a lawyer or a policy wonk to understand and learn from these people’s brilliance.

Many of the topics addressed recently are all the more relevant to historically disempowered people, who also, as a result, tend to have less disposable income and for whom close to $100 yearly to just listen is not doable (especially with increasing prices of bare basics such as food and housing). Since this excellent podcast doesn’t include hired actors, complex sound production, or the licensing of loads of copyrights, and thus likely has lower production costs than some other podcasts, perhaps Slate (and Dahlia) might do the country a good one by significantly lowering the cost of subscription to SlatePlus for listeners who write in to confidentially request it? There is precedent for such allowances, by other popular podcasts and hosts.

Please seriously consider! This regular listener would tolerate listening to another (tasteful, ethical) ad or two during the show if it would make a Slate Plus sliding scale subscription possible.
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phy3joy 09/29/2024
This podcast is the place to be to learn about what the SCOTUS is up to in the shadow docket, what their decisions mean, & how those decisions may affect our daily lives. The hosts & guests make all that legal mumbo jumbo easy to understand. Dahlia & Mark are just the best.
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FitnessMan80 07/16/2024
Overall I find the episodes to be informative, with guests that are directly relevant to the episode topic. But I’m getting more and more concerned about the member only content. With more & more podcasts having member only content at a cost, it’s becoming more expensive to stay informed about the news and due to cost limiting number of podcasts listening to, might end up with an increased siloed population of listeners.
Good example is the current topic today about the dismissal of the classified documents case in Florida. It seems that a topic like this is too important to only provide a “preview” for non members and full episode for the members. I understand it’s not easy to both fund a podcast & find quality content for paying members, but there should really be a focus on informing as many people as possible with the topics often discussed here.
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P. Johns 07/08/2024
Episode “bleeding out” w ER doc & Idaho’s abortion lawsuit is “ear opening” required listening before SCOTUS oral arguments. Host Dahlia L. has been writing some of the most pointed and clarifying on Dobbs/post-Roe landscape. Glad to have her writing and this podcast so I can listen and share. Note: Please say “women” instead of “pregnant people” - If we can’t even say this is an attack on “every biological woman” then nobody else will either.
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About Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick | Law, justice, and the courts ranking

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