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American Scandal - Podcast Rankings and reviews

American Scandal
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Our curated selection of reviews

Nerbyflurv 08/24/2022
The writing, delivery, suspenseful soundtracks and production of the American Scandal stories are done so superbly. Mr. Graham is a natural narrator and equally as good voice actor without cheapening the value of this podcast by over acted or poorly voiced characters. He is so compelling as two different people having a conversation with one another, using only his natural voice. You feel like you’re right there in the middle of these scandals as they’re unfolding! Do yourself a favor and listen to all of the varying stories, because I found myself not realizing I needed or even cared to learn about some of these stories but this podcast just draws you into each episode and leaves you wanting more and more. Extremely well done!
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Sleep489415 12/09/2022
I can’t say enough about Graham and his cadence. This has been my go to bedtime/wind down podcast for over a year now. No hyperbole or host-inserted political opinions. Just straight up fascinating, detailed real stories. I have yet to find one comparable, aside from his other shows. Thank you sir!
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flappyybirrrd 08/13/2024
This podcast is so well done - every episode is riveting. It’s just an outstanding podcast. It makes every topic it covers extremely interesting because the writing is so good. It takes an unusual approach by acting out dialog, which sounds like it would be weird but it’s not - it gives you a relatable, first hand perspective on the story. I really can’t say enough good things about it. It makes even topics I have no interest in interesting and impactful. Great job, Lindsay Graham. My hat’s off to you. It can’t be easy to put out so much great content, but you do it with every episode and make it seem effortless.
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ksjeowmz 01/26/2022
Very informative episodes. The information is delivered smoothly and the episodes move right along. Mr. Graham’s voice and tempo are pleasant and keeps the listener engaged.
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CeeDiggity 10/09/2023
I used to love this podcast. When it went behind a paywall, initially, I was saddened, but moved on. I decided to use the free trial, with a sub to come at the end of the subscription. Ads, when I’m paying (or will be?) Ended the trial right then and there. I know there are bills and talent to pay, but isn’t that what the subscription price is for? I’m sorry, I just can’t pay for your content and still listen to ads in the middle of the show. A shame really.
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oldtimesmellyboat 12/13/2024
Paywall of old episodes is a joke but even worse is one of their sponsors.
I get needing sponsors and commercials but when they hawk dangerous “health” apps and then the host claims that weight loss drugs from said app really work. Ummm what is your medical training? An app where you never see an actual dietitian or doctor just “providers” and NP’s with questionable qualifications and NO clinical experience.

Said app has MULTIPLE LAWSUITS and literally tells women the only way to lose weight without drugs is to participate in disordered eating and giving starvation diet plans to breastfeeding women!! Real Doctors & nutritionists have come out and said the app and their diet plans are divorced from actual science!!
Yep that's who I want giving out prescription drugs!!
The host claims to research his episodes but apparently if you toss a few sponsorship bucks their way they will shill DANGEROUS scam health apps that have caused harm to thousands of women.
Done with this show. Don't care how good it is.
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