Top 100 podcasts Charts

American English Podcast - Podcast Rankings and reviews

American English Podcast
American English Podcast Shana Thompson
Position Change Category Country
64 ▼ 2 US
8 - US

Education - Last 7 Days Ranking

Language Learning - Last 7 Days Ranking

Our curated selection of reviews

JaimisonAllen 09/30/2021
É impressionante como o conteúdo deste podcast atrai a atenção dos ouvintes, e de repente você esquece completamente que está ali para aprender. Você se envolve completamente com as histórias que ela conta, com as entrevistas e de repente está compreendendo tudo, aprendendo de forma divertida. Shana tem uma didática maravilhosa, eficiente e simpática de ensinar. Morei 4 anos na Califórnia, estou de volta no Brasil, mas ouço os podcasts regularmente. Minha filha de 13 anos também não perde um. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
É tão envolvente que até parece que somos amigos íntimos de Shana, Lucas e suas filhas. 😍
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Suesumomo 06/03/2023
One of the best English podcasts I’ve listened over the years! It covers broad daily contents and events with some explanations on words not easy to understand as a non-native speaker! Can’t miss one episode! Great way to learn English while learning the American culture at the same time. Thank you!
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dancnguyen 06/26/2020
I’d love to listen to your podcast on a daily basis. You provided lots of useful information about American language and culture. I can attribute my English level up a lot to the expressions you shared. I appreciate it.
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Grisha_ARG 10/11/2020
With this fun to listen podcast, not only you are advancing your English, but also are learning about America’s history, culture, customs, jokes foods, places, a very interesting way that in my opinion it takes to read hundreds of books to learn about them.
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About American English Podcast ranking

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